Social Injustice, Marginalization and Conflicts in Globalised World in the Context of Access to Food, Health Services &education: Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self Management

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
WG05 Famine and Society (host committee)
RC10 Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management

Language: Spanish, English and French

Social injustice and marginalization are the sources of severeconflict in many parts of the world. This injustice stems from lack of access to food, education, basic health services and job opportunities. The availability of land and natural recourses are not only limited but very unevenly distributed. Further,humanitarian relief systems are also grossly inadequate in facing the challenge of growing suffering in the face of economic poverty, social conflicts, civil wars and regional conflicts. There is also a significant economic divide between urban and rural areas. Decentralization is an intrinsic part of pluralistic democracy and development with a human face. Some of the key issues which this Joint Session will address are:

  • How pluralist democracy can be used to reduce social conflicts and avert civil wars.
  • How access to food, education, basic health services and job opportunities can be enhanced especially with reference to the poorest 20% of the population through effective pluralism.
  • In conjunction with participation in decision-making, what are the administrative and financial functions and powers which should be devolved to local governments both in urban and rural areas? Further, how the role of Resident Welfare Associations, Citizens Groups and CBOs can be enhanced in local governance.
  • How can we induce the Private Sector to voluntarily adopt participative governance in the management of Companies?

How social conflicts based on Caste, tribal differences and class dichotomies can be moderated through effective poverty reduction programs and enhanced political voice of the socially depressed

Session Organizers:
P.P. BALAN, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, India and Harjit Singh ANAND, Glownet Knowledge Services, India
Oral Presentations
Food Banks As Grassroots Initiatives: Defying Food Injustice in Spain One Step at the Time
Anahi VILADRICH, Queens College of the City University of New York, CUNY, USA; Maria Antònia CARBONERO, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain; María GÓMEZ GARRIDO, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain