Transnational Social Movements

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change (host committee)

Language: English

In Yokohama and in Vienna we heard great presentations on transnational movements. The main questions remain the same: what are the varieties of transnational movements and what are the categories best suited for their analysis? In what ways do we have to go beyond the well-established social movement categories to capture their emergence, dynamics and demise? How do they develop and maintain transnational links to other movements and/or institutions? Are these links regional, inter-regional and/or transcontinental? Are some such movements initiated or sustained by professional issue enterpreneurs, international organizations, states or even businesses? For ISA's conference in Toronto, presentations on movements which forge links across borders to combat violence are especially welcome - this includes movements against the weapons industry as much as movements against violence directed against specific social groups. Moreover, transnational social movements, expert groups and protests seeking to challenge or regulate financial greedlords, their institutions and their practices should not be forgotten: transnational anti-financialization, anti-government debt or anti-bail-out protests and campaigns are of interest in this context. Also welcome are presentations on violence-espousing transnational movements.
Session Organizer:
Helena FLAM, Institute of Sociology, University of Leipzig, Germany
Helena FLAM, University of Leipzig, Germany
Oral Presentations
A Transnational View on Domestic Workers’ Organising Against Violence
Giulia GAROFALO GEYMONAT, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, Italy; Sabrina MARCHETTI, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Transnational Movement Power: Examining Racialized and Class Based Movements within and between the United States and Brazil
Callie WATKINS LIU, Stonehill College, USA; Geisa MATTOS, Federal University of Ceara, Brazil, Brazil