Climate Change and Social Movements: Mobilizing and Resisting Climate Action.
Climate Change and Social Movements: Mobilizing and Resisting Climate Action.
Monday, 16 July 2018: 19:30-20:50
RC24 Environment and Society (host committee) Language: English and French
This session will examine research on climate change and social movements. Anticipated papers will examine a variety of movements, from those trying to pressure governments to implement policy measures consistent with the Paris Agreement to reduce GHG emissions, to Denialist movements that reject anthropogenic climate change and measures to combat it. Studies of a variety of substantive movements may be included, such as movements in opposition to oil and gas pipelines, coalitions between movements (e.g. American Indian and environmental movements), climate justice movements, relgious movements in support or opposition to climate action, and industry led denialist activities. Studies of movements from diverse geographical regions are encouraged. We anticipate a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to this topic.
Session Organizers:
Oral Presentations