Fluid Borders: Sensory Interactions in the Arts

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
TG07 Senses and Society (host committee)

Language: Spanish, French and English

This session aims to address the notion of fluid borders by exploring sensory interactions and transversal relations between the senses, affects, embodiment and social contexts, through a variety of media and creative practices across the arts.

According to Merleau Ponty the sensing and perceiving body is in a constant dynamic relation with the flesh of the world. Therefore, in the midst of our accelerating and changing world, this session encourages multisensory and interdisciplinary approaches in order to blur borders, categorizations and conventions through the investigation of arts practices as fields for sensory interactions and agents for transformation of our way of being-in-common.

Bridging the local and global, the now and the past, the intimate and social, body and environment, technology and nature, how can the arts, as mode of action and agency, foster encounters where individual and collective trajectories interact in order to reshape, interrogate and/or enrich our perceptions and sensory assemblage?

Promoting new ways of engaging with the world around us, how can creative practices challenge sensory relations through active sensing and somatic listening while integrating embodied and multisensory experiences?

This session invites researchers, scholars and artists, to share their methodologies and practices. Papers in social sciences, humanities, embodied/somatic practices, architecture, performance, visual arts, new technologies, street arts, art education, art therapy to name a few, are welcome.

Session Organizer:
Florence FIGOLS, Concordia University, Canada
William GIBSON, University College London, Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations
Instamcreando: Una Experiencia Creativa En Instagram
Adrian SCRIBANO, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina
To Nose Is to Know: The Politics of “Knowsing”
Mashrur HOSSAIN, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
See more of: TG07 Senses and Society
See more of: Thematic Groups