247.3 The problem brought by the use of genetic database in criminal investigations and the protection of human rights

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 11:21 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA

The problem brought by the use of genetic database in criminal investigations and the protection of Human Rights.

Starting from the observation that the use of biotechnology, in particular of the new possibilities of use of genetics, raise a discussion about their ethical-legal implications in human life and their social impacts to rhapsodize about the consequences of the use of DNA by the criminal justice system, through the implementation, by the Brazilian State of databases of genetic profiles-criminal convicted. 

These banks, if placed in operation, make direct comparisons of DNA profiles from samples collected in places where a crime has occurred, with suspicious profiles registered in these banks. This is possible because the DNA is a unique biological structure in each individual, with the exception of the monozygotic twins, which allows the identification of the person and serves as the foundation of criminal investigation and forensic genetics.

However, this application is not impassive fault, which requires the adoption of a critical positioning that demonstrate the potencial risks that could arise from the creation of databases of genetic profiles-criminal convicted.

Furthermore, from a transdisciplinary approach, seeking to respond to what extent the creation of a genetic database for criminal purposes will not configure the Suppression of Human Rights and guarantees set out in our legal system.

In the end, it will demonstrate that advances from genetics bring with them the need to create new forms of protection of human beings, their dignity and integrity, and defence of the collectivity.