Young People's Leisure Patterns: Testing Social Age, Social Gender and Linguistic Capital Hypotheses
Our data came from the 2012 Catalan Young People’s Survey, EJC12. The interviewees were asked about the leisure activities they participated in by choosing between a list of 32 activities as well as a set of sociodemographic indicators. We applied MCA to the set of leisure activities to uncover the leisure habits of Young people. Then we clustered them to identify their patterns of leisure and finally we used a multilevel model to test the social age, social gender and linguistic capital hypotheses.
We found that leisure practices could be classified in 3 habitus: doing leisure activities, cultural activities and social/entertainment activities. Young people combine the three leisure habitus differently, forming 4 patterns of leisure: a social, an omnivorous, an entertainment, and a religious pattern. The association of leisure patterns with the indicators social position suggests that when we take into account the mediating role of social position, the main effects of age, gender, and linguistic practices vanish, as predicted by the three hypotheses proposed. That is, young people leisure practices are socially differentiated with young immigrants forming a vulnerable group that should be the focus of youth leisure policy.