The Socio-Demographic World System

Monday, 11 July 2016: 09:00-10:30
Location: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building)
RC41 Sociology of Population (host committee)

Language: English

The continuing demographic transition has brought fertility and mortality to unprecedented low levels, with accompanying changes in patterns of migration on the one hand, household formation, and family structures on the other. However, behind the globalization of these transitions there are important differences which reflect not only regional histories but also current location in the global world system. 
This session will look at these patterns and trends, at the way social and demographic processes intertwine to create and reproduce – but also challenge – existing social and demographic inequalities.
Session Organizer:
Ofra ANSON, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Fertility in Societies That Have Passed Demographic Transition: Values As Indicator and Factor of Fertility
Dmitry ZAKOTYANSKY, LCSR, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russia
Fertility Decline and Background Independence
Shuichirou IKE, Teikyo University, Japan