Sociocybernetics, Simulation and Anticipation: Paradigms and Challenges
Sociocybernetics, Simulation and Anticipation: Paradigms and Challenges
Monday, 11 July 2016: 14:15-15:45
Location: Hörsaal 15 (Juridicum)
RC51 Sociocybernetics (host committee) Language: English and Spanish
In this session Simulation and Anticipation are expected to join efforts and share their paradigms and challenges with the central purpose of proposing an overview of the state of the art and the opportunities of working together.
Complementary to simulation paradigms, the possibilities of better futures have always been interested in large institutions, businesses and governments.
The classic perspectives based on quantitative analysis and processed through statistical projections or strategic planning have been pushed aside to give rise to perspectives that consider more qualitative analysis and short and medium periods of analysis against long-term expectations studies. Interest on anticipative forms and related forms of reactivity, preactivity and proactivity require greater knowledge on the genealogy of the associated structures and social processes as well as the environment that have led to key social actors in groups, institutions or communities.
Simulation is a particular application of the Sociocybernetics, but you need to make explicit the relationships they have over and, in particular, it is urgently to produce reference texts that enable future generations to understand their potential and apply their instruments to propose a better world through better simulations of possible futures.
Session Organizer: