Young Workers: Accumulation Of Educational Resources and Professional Trajectories

Friday, July 18, 2014: 6:45 PM
Room: F201
Oral Presentation
Galina CHEREDNICHENKO , Sociology of Education, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
In 2009 thousand young workers of industry (processing, hi-tech productions) at 13 regions of Russia were polled; in 2010 a part of them were interviewed.

Accumulated educational resource (school education, professional training and training during work) has a direct influence on the achieved skill level and size of salary. However, growth possibilities are limited by technological possibilities of production. It stimulates an exit of a part of youth from working profession.

Among those who became workers having a large educational resource  (full secondary school or secondary professional college) intensively accumulate a human capital and achieve higher qualifications; about one third of them are not stabilized in this status and aspire to leave working profession, this position is transit for them. But two thirds of such workers remain in production. However, the highest stability of working profession belongs to workers, having a small baggage of school education, preparation at technical college or at the courses - and to whom this base education prevents to move upwards on educational and qualification levels.

Typical trajectories "Horizontal" (57 % of a massive): low school education, training of working professions at technical college and at a working place leads to mass and low qualifications. Those not stimulated to professional advancement and study make the most stable personnel satisfied with a low salary work. Here stability is sooner forced – few alternative possibilities.

"Progressing" (27 %): large volume of school capital, intensive accumulation of educational-professional resources, achieving high qualifications. Partially “transit” workers are formed.

"Vertical" (16 %): base secondary education or secondary professional college, intensive improvement of qualification, most qualified personnel. Big educational ambitions are expressed in getting higher (or secondary professional) education (by correspondence  course) that leads to achieving positions of a technician or an engineer.