Headteachers' Conceptions of the Professional Competence and Professionalism Among Newly Qualified Teachers

Friday, July 18, 2014: 7:00 PM
Room: F201
Oral Presentation
Madalitso Khulupirika BANJA , University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
Title of presentation: Headteachers’ conceptions of the Professional Competence and Professionalism among Newly Qualified Teachers


Education scholars globally are agreed that the teacher is the most important resource in ensuring quality delivery of education. Using data from a qualitative study, this paper focuses on the conceptions of headteachers of the professional competence and general professionalism of newly qualified teachers in secondary schools. Data were collected through interviews from eighteen headteachers. An analysis of findings revealed dissatisfaction from headteachers regarding the professional competence and professionalism of newly qualified teachers. The article’s analysis incorporates detailed examination of the concepts of professional competence and professionalism and offers explanations for their lack among newly qualified teachers.  It identifies as a gap in teacher professional development the under-prioritisation of matters of professional ethics which lead to most newly qualified teachers having difficulties transitioning from being a student to becoming a teacher. It is further observed that training newly qualified teachers generally lacks regulatory and quality control mechanisms that many other professions are subject to. Inadequate training, uncoordinated professional and organisational socialisation all conspired to create several challenges to the system in general and for the newly qualified teachers in particular in the execution of their duties. There is no significant difference between males and females regarding both their levels of professional competence and attitudes towards professionalism. To address the identified challenges and improve professional teaching practice headteachers used several methods including Continuous Professional Development and deliberated teacher reflection.  

Key words

Professional competence, newly qualified teachers, professional development, professionalism,


Madalitso Khulupirika Banja.

Department of Educational Psychology, Sociology and Special Education, University of Zambia.

Email: chilusbanja@yahoo.com