Is Globalization The Essential Force To Generate Localization? A Constructive Analysis

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 11:03 AM
Room: F202
Oral Presentation
Tien-Hui CHIANG , Department of Education, National University of Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan
While globalization has significantly extended its influence crossing the boundary between countries, many national states gradually lose their control over sovereignty as witnessed by the fact that many countries voluntarily give up the control over the tax rate on the importing goods. This is mainly because they need to conform the rules of a global economic system, if they pursuit a considerable amount of capitalist profit embedded in this system. This phenomenon indicates that globalization does not only generate a profound influence on economic sphere but also on political arena. It is argued that the combination between these two aspects is able to benefit advanced countries, particularly USA, for reinforcing their cultural hegemony. Consequently, such cultural exportation will erode the local cultures of imported countries that are the crucial element to sustain the national identity of their citizens. It is argued that localization is created to avoid this political crisis. However, such viewpoint may confine itself within a narrow view of top-down scope.