From the Educational Policy about Gender Equality to Its Testing in the Labor Market during the Greek Economic Crisis
Through quantitative researches an evaluation is pursued whether education about gender equality, being the aim of the educational policy, was productive; in other words, whether a differentiation based on gender was statistically significant. Additionally, the years of studies are correlated with unemployment or part-time employment both of men and women so that the question whether the prolonged education is conducive to the reinforcement of gender equality is investigated, resulting in the same access possibilities to labor market both by equally qualified male and female subjects.
The economic crisis period is regarded by the present paper as a testing phase for the educational policy implemented towards gender equality. It is estimated that in this ordeal with a limited number of working positions and the reorganization of the labor market the evidence will be apparent. In this respect the outcome of a policy about gender equality will be evaluated and the educational structures will be reorganized within a policy of reinforcing gender equality along with a broader policy about equality conducive to the unification of vindication schemata for both genders.