The New Middle Classes - Drivers of Both Unsustainable and Sustainable Consumption in Developping Countries

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 11:00 AM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Hellmuth LANGE , University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
During the last decade, in public debates and particularly in the media, unsustainable patterns of consumption spreading also in the Global South developed into a major concern. The focus is mainly on the 'the new middle classes'. They are imputed to lack any sense of responsibility both in civic and environmental respect and, by their sheer number, to undermine any progress made so far in protecting the climate.

Nevertheless, albeit a pilot group in promoting western lifestyles, above-average levels of education and qualification, according levels of professional responsibility, and above-levels of political influence (locally, regionally...) make parts of the new middle classes important players in fostering more sustainable consumption.