Re-Invention of the Kurdishness through the Transnational Kurdish Media

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 9:00 AM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Janroj KELES , Business School of Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom
Re-Invention of the Kurdishness through the transnational Kurdish media

 Dr  Janroj Keles, Business School of Middlesex University


The rapid development of transport and communications technologies have contributed to the exchange of information and resources along with multiple participation in socio-cultural and political activities across the borders of national states. Transnational ethnic media has played a key part in this by enabling a re-connection of diasporic/transnational populations with a mediated homeland. In this sense, this paper will  explore the linkages between nationalism, media and Kurdish migrants and the role of the Kurdish transnational media in articulating and mobilizing different political and identity positions for Kurdish migrants. It will  focus on the development of Kurdish media in Turkey/Kurdistan and in Europe and the way in which they have connected, constructed a deterritorized imagined Kurdish political community.  This paper will be based on 30 in-depth interviews with Kurdish journalists and migrants of diverse age, gender, political affiliation, occupation and length of migration in London, Berlin and Stockholm.