Local Dynamics on Women's Economic Empowerment in Global Context

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 2:30 PM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Ida RUWAIDA , University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Local Dynamics on Women’s Economic Empowerment

In A Global Context



Submitted by:  Dr. Ida Ruwaida[1]

This paper focuses on the dynamics of women’s economic participation at local level in decentralization era. Based on Indonesia’s case, it has been reflected that local  policies as well as programs on economic empowerment have not  perceived  women’s participation as their basic right. The policies or programs do not focus on stimulating women’s critical consciousness and their capacities to articulate their interests invidually as well as collectively. It’s indicated that women’s roles as economic actors are beeing positioned  as instrumental roles, not substantive/transformative ones. The main root of this issue refers to the weakness of local government commitment and capacity which  can not be separated with the national agendas on economic development. And the agendas might be based on  economic assumptions (blinkers) that tends to disadvantage women’s conditions as well as positions. It’s  has been reflected from several regions in Indonesia. 

Referring to Chafetz (1988), empowerment as structural transformation efforts -- which only possible if  local  (also national) economy policy responsives to women’s  economic right.  In term of relation between state and women, the other  crucial issue is to enhance or to empower women’s commitment as well as their capacities as a collective/interest group. This paper also raises women’s strategies for organizing and enhancing their economic roles at local level.

Key words:

Women’s economic participation, local economic empowerment, institutional or structural transformation, women’s collective action,.

[1] Dr. Ida Ruwaida is a Lecturer at  Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. She is also a Chairperson of Sociological Studies Center, University of Indonesia.