Preventive Socialization from Zero Years

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 5:30 PM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Tinka SCHUBERT , Department of Sociological Theory, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Teresa MORL� FOLCH , University of Barcelona, Spain
In this paper, we present the violence prevention programs implemented in Schools as Learning Communities. These schools have been analyzed under the INCLUD-ED project (FP6 of the European Commission) and are outstanding for the great results in very diverse social areas going beyond positive academic results. Research on violence against women (VAW) highlights that patterns linked to it are included in the socialization processes. The results presented here stem from research on preventive socialization that emphasizes the social character of love and the attraction towards violence (Gómez, 2004; CREA, 2010-2012). According to this research line, the existence of a mainstream socialization that promotes the models of attraction linked to violence implies the need to socialize from early childhood in attraction to relationships that reject any kind of violence. Socialization in accepting violence that can lead to future VAW is prevented. According to a common analysis of violent actions in early childhood such as a bite is considered as an emotional expression and as a consequence the victim is forced to receive a kiss from the perpetrator as a sign of excuse and forgiveness. These actions socialize in the acceptance of the violence and set the bases for future gender violence. Zero tolerance of violence from zero years is the premise to socialize into relationships without violence and to ensure the development of childhood free of violence. In this line, in Schools as Learning Communities any kind of violence is rejected and children are socialized in this general rejection of violence and learn to avoid violent behaviors. They also learn the values of respect towards others and to insist themselves in being treated with respect. Consequently Schools as Learning Communities contribute to preventing the mainstream socialization in attraction towards violence.