Flexible Work Practices, Workplace-Related Policies and Individual Strategies for Reconciling Eldercare and Paid Employment. Findings from the European Carers@Work Project
The focus of this paper will be a cross-national comparison of flexible work practices and other workplace-related company policies aimed at enabling working carers to reconcile both conflicting roles in four different European welfare states – Germany, Italy, Poland, and the UK – based on expert interviews with human resource managers and 240 semi-structured interviews with working carers in the four countries. It is analyzed to what extent these company-based measures are path-dependent according to the respective welfare state / care regimes, which resulted in diverging degrees of state intervention and support and, subsequently, varying levels of company-based policies. However, a key finding of the research was a trend towards converging individual reconciliation strategies in the four countries. Finally, varying degrees of gender inequality in the provision of care will be examined.