Social Inequality in Young People`s Housing Transitions

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 12:30 PM-2:20 PM
Room: F204
RC34 Sociology of Youth (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizers:
Marc MOLGAT, University of Ottawa, Canada and Miriam MEUTH, University of Frankfurt, Germany
Negotiating Independence: Housing Transitions of Younger People and Family Support in the UK and Japan (Oral Presentation)
Oana DRUTA, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

L'acc�s Au Logement Des Jeunes Fran�ais : Pour Quelle Ind�pendance ? (Oral Presentation)
Emmanuelle MAUNAYE, Universit� de Rennes 1, France; Patricia LONCLE-MORICEAU, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sant� Publique, France

Gender, Homelessness and Social Capital: Young Women's Management of Disrupted Housing Transitions (Oral Presentation)
Juliet WATSON, Victoria University, Australia

Housing and the Crisis: Changing Housing Positions of Younger Households in Europe? (Distributed Paper)
Rowan ARUNDEL, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Leaving the Parental Home and the Material Conditions of Entering Adult Life (Distributed Paper)
Caroline HENCHOZ, Universit� de Fribourg, Switzerland; Boris WERNLI, FORS, Switzerland

Examining the �New Normal� and Inequality in the Housing Transitions of Young People in Canada (Distributed Paper)
Marc MOLGAT, University of Ottawa, Canada; Susannah TAYLOR, University of Ottawa, Canada

Emerging Patterns of Intergenerational Inequality in the Housing Market: The Shifting Position of Younger People in Cities in Europe and East Asia (Distributed Paper)
Richard RONALD, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; Ray FORREST, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Youth Parental Emancipation in an Unequal Society: The Case of Mexico (Distributed Paper)
Patricio SOLIS, El Colegio de M�xico, Mexico

See more of: RC34 Sociology of Youth
See more of: Research Committees