Gender, Culture and Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Industries
Gender, Culture and Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Industries
Saturday, July 19, 2014: 10:30 AM-12:20 PM
Room: 302
RC32 Women in Society (host committee) Language: English
The significance of knowledge-intensive industries (such as medical research, transnational education, biotechnology) to primary production, health and industry, as well as national and global economic outputs, has been well documented (OECD, 2012; Roy & Ong, 2011). Understanding the social, cultural and technical dimensions of this sector also provides valuable knowledge regarding higher-level skills (complex communication, analytical and problem-solving skills) that are vital for productivity growth, GDP and successful participation in the global bio-economy (Dutta 2012,OECD, 2012). The focus of this panel is professional and semi-professional women in knowledge-intensive industries, an untapped group of knowledge workers in the global economy (OECD 2012). The papers on this panel explore the ways in which social relations and power dynamics within this sector shape women`s identities working in this sector and their access to resources and opportunities (e.g., promotion, appropriate mentoring, networking opportunities). Women in knowledge-intensive industries are not just knowledge workers and professionals; they carry their cultural identity (as members of ethnic and religious collectives), their gender roles, their familial roles, community roles with them into their biotechnology workplace. This panel also looks at how the occupational identities of women in these industries are bound up with their interactions with technological/technoscience artefacts and the work culture in emergent industries.
Session Organizers:
Gender and Socialization of Knowledge (Oral Presentation)