Looking at Inequalities through the Intersectional Prism: Potentialities and Challenges

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 3:30 PM-5:20 PM
Room: 302
RC32 Women in Society (host committee)

Language: English

Feminist theories of intersectionality for the last 30 years focused on how categories of oppression such as like race, ethnicity, nationality, class, different abilities, age, sexuality and gender, do intersect (Davis 1983, Crenshaw, 1994, Collins, 1998, Wekker, 2004, Lykke, 2003, 2005, McCall, 2005, Verloo, 2006, Yuval-Davis, 2006, Meekosha 2010). The benefits of intersectional approaches are due to the fact that it can be applied to a broad range of research topics. Integrally connected to the concept of intersectionality is the question of power, Foucault (1973), introduced as procedures of exclusion and inclusion leading to multi-dimensional inequalities. Within the frame of post-colonial theory such a vision of power has been deconstructed as embedded in western domination – as Annibal Quijano pointed out in La colonialidad del poder (1992). In spite of greater analytical and explanatory ability of intersectional approach, there is still a serious dearth of intersectional studies globally to address the complex problems of multifaceted inequalities of our times. This particular session will address issues related to the complexity of intersectionality towards identities in transition; the debate about additive and transversal intersectionality. We’ll try to answer to questions like: how should we make intersectionality more ‘mainstream’? How can we combine intersectional approach and post-colonial ethics and politics? The task of de-colonizing sociology from dominant ideologies proposed by many authors (Mignolo 2011, Connell 2007) are urgent and necessary process for a foundation of global social sciences that do not replicate the center-periphery dichotomy and inequalities within our studies.
Session Organizers:
Bula BHADRA, University of Calcutta, India and Laura CORRADI, University of Calabria, Italy
Bula BHADRA, University of Calcutta, India
Laura CORRADI, University of Calabria, Italy
Feminist Theorizing of Intersectionality (Oral Presentation)
Sofia STRID, Örebro University, Sweden; Anna G. JÓNASDÓTTIR, Örebro University, Sweden

Women Athelets in India: A Tale of Intersectional Inequalities (Oral Presentation)
Saheli CHOWDHURY, University of Calcutta, India

“Transnational Families” Analysed through the Intersectional Prism (Oral Presentation)
Hilda Joyce PORTILLA, University of Ottawa, Canada

Epistemological Standpoints and Steps in Social Sciences. Intersectionality in Gender Studies (Oral Presentation)
Daniela ROVENTA-FRUMUSANI, Bucharest University, Romania

Ethno Enclaves: Restrictions on Muslim Women's Spatial Mobility (Oral Presentation)
Arvinder ANSARI, University, India

Position of Women in Sociology or Female Founders in Sociology (Oral Presentation)

Narrations of the Shooting Death of Trayvon Martin and the Trial of George Zimmerman As Intersectional Challenge to the School-to-Prison Pipeline in the United States (Oral Presentation)
Marcia TEXLER SEGAL, Indiana University Southeast, USA; Vasilikie DEMOS, University of Minnesota, Morris, USA; Vicky DEMOS, University of Minnesota, Morris, USA

Identities in Transition in a Post-Colonial Context. How HIV/Aids Can Open a Different Way for Sub-Saharan African Women Living in France ? (Oral Presentation)
Marjorie GERBIER-AUBLANC, Ceped, Paris Descartes University, France, France

The "Invisible Hand" of Oppression - Symbolic Violence in the Precarisation of the German Labour Market (Oral Presentation)
Maria NORKUS, Technical University Berlin, Germany

Dealing with Difference: Exclusion As a Problem of the Subject or the Discourse? (Distributed Paper)
Annette KNAUT, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

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