Looking for Relief: Humanitarian Aid and Volunteerism in the Aftermath of Disaster

Friday, July 18, 2014: 3:30 PM-5:20 PM
Room: Booth 48
RC39 Sociology of Disasters (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizer:
Tricia WACHTENDORF, University of Delaware, USA
“If You Have a Giving Heart”: The Framing of Post-Disaster Need and Donations (Oral Presentation)
Samantha PENTA, Disaster Research Center, USA; Mary NELAN, University of Delaware, USA; Tricia WACHTENDORF, University of Delaware, USA

Examining Factors Contributing Spontaneous Volunteerism in a Disaster Situation: The Case of the 2009 Red River Flood (Oral Presentation)
D.K. YOON, Ulsan Nat Inst Science & Technology, South Korea; George YOUNGS, North Dakota State University, USA

The Role of Japanese Public Health Nurses' Activities As Post-Disaster Assistance (Oral Presentation)
Yuki ITAKURA, Tohoku University, Japan