Biographies in the Global South and Collective Histories. Individual Remembering in Interrelation with Public and Hegemonic Discourses

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 3:30 PM-5:20 PM
Room: Booth 60
RC38 Biography and Society (host committee)

Language: English

We would like to invite colleagues who collected biographical data in countries of the Global South and who are analyzing the biographies in the context of the collective histories in these countries respectively regions, and the collectivities and groupings to which the biographers feel affiliated. The overarching question for this session would be, in which ways individual remembering is interrelated with collective memories and discourses. The practice of remembering is, depending on the historical and cultural context, subject to various social rules of commemoration and reveals traces of rules of remembering which were effective in past or in different social and situational contexts. At the same time, it reveals the traces of the rules which are currently used.
Session Organizers:
Hee-Young YI, Daegu University, South Korea and Gabriele ROSENTHAL, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany
Gabriele ROSENTHAL, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany
Social Memories In South America: Generational Narratives In Times Of Political Youth Activism (Oral Presentation)
Raimundo FREI, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Biographical Narrations, Discourses and Collective History of Palestinians in Jerusalem's Old City and in a Palestinian Refugee Camp (Oral Presentation)
Johannes BECKER, University of Göttingen, Germany; Arne WORM, University of Göttingen, Germany

Using Biographical and Family History Methods in Sub-Saharan Africa: Inheritance in Kenya (Oral Presentation)
Robert MILLER, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom