Health Care Disparities and Inequalities

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 10:30 AM-12:20 PM
Room: F206
RC15 Sociology of Health (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizer:
Jennie Jacobs KRONENFELD, Arizona State University, USA
Masahiko KANEKO, National Defense Medical College, Japan
Economic Crisis and Health Inequalities in Italy (Oral Presentation)
Simona OLIVADOTI, Nat Agency Regional Health Service, Italy; Mara TOGNETTI, University of Milan-Bicocca., Italy

A Duboisian Dogma Appropriate for Addressing Social Context and Global Health: The Case of Cardiovascular Disease (Oral Presentation)
Gniesha DINWIDDIE, University of Maryland College Park, USA

Obesity and Social Inequalities : Public Health Campaigns and Their Implementation (Oral Presentation)
Faustine R�GNIER, Inst Recherche Agronomique, France

Ethnic Differences in Premature Mortality over Three Decades � the Intersection Between Indigeneity, Social Class and Preventability (Oral Presentation)
Andrew SPORLE, The University of Auckland, New Zealand; Neil PEARCE, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

Health Care Access Inequalities Among Pregnant HIV Positive Women (Oral Presentation)
Estelle CARDE, Universit� de Montr�al, Canada

Experiencing Obesity in an Unequal World: The Muted, Desiring Body Under Neo-Liberalism (Distributed Paper)
Paul BISSELL, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; Marian PEACOCK, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; Joanna BLACKBURN, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom; Christine SMITH, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

The Unequal Structuring of Healthcare Choice: Perceptions of Australian Healthcare Consumers (Distributed Paper)
Sophie LEWIS, The University of Sydney, Australia; Marika FRANKLIN, The University of Sydney, Australia; Karen WILLIS, The University of Sydney, Australia

Les Repr�sentations Sociales De La D�pression Et L'acc�s Aux Services De Sant� Mentale Des Jeunes D�pressifs : Une Question D'identit�? (Distributed Paper)
Lilian NEGURA, Universit� d'Ottawa, Canada; Nicolas MOREAU, Universit� d'Ottawa, Canada

Disparities in Homeless People's Health Care in France (Distributed Paper)
Laureline COULOMB, Laboratoire Dynamiques Europ�ennes UMR7367 - Universit� de Strasbourg, France

Type 2 Diabetes Health Equity Audit in the Basque Public Healthcare Service (Spain) (Distributed Paper)
Amaia BACIGALUPE, University of the Basque Country, Spain; Santiago ESNAOLA, Department of Health. Basque Goverment, Spain

Asthma Management in British South Asian Children: An Application of the Candidacy Framework to an Understanding of Barriers to Effective and Accessible Asthma Care (Distributed Paper)
Nicky HUDSON, De Montfort University, United Kingdom; Lorraine CULLEY, De Montfort University, United Kingdom; Mark JOHNSON, De Montfort University, United Kingdom; Melanie MCFEETERS, University Hospitals Leicester, United Kingdom; Noelle ROBERTSON, University of Leicester, United Kingdom; Deborah BIRD, ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST, United Kingdom; Monica LAKHANPAUL, University College London, United Kingdom

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