Digital Jewellery: Innovation in Contemporary Leisure Activities

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 16:10
Oral Presentation
Priyanka SHARMA, Pearl Academy, India
Leisure is necessary part of our lives and as its gives us an opportunity to develop sense of freedom, creativity, and satisfaction and also builds our skills and self-confidence. People involve themselves in different satisfying leisure activities. Jewellery is a universal form of adornment and jewellery made from shells, stone and bones survives from prehistoric times. From early times it was worn as a personal adornment or protection from the dangers of life or as a mark of status or rank but finally giving a sense of achievement and indirectly evidences role of jewelry for leisure. Technology has been enhanced spectacularly since the human kind made it and there is a paradigm shift in the way people spend their leisure time. One of the sizzling technological waves for leisure is “Digital Jewellery”. Digital Jewelry gives the power of computers in a compact trendy wearable device. Whether it is checking mails or chatting with friends while relaxing in bath tub or having video call while jogging or connecting pendant pen drive to listen favourite music, recent innovations in digital jewellery gives you a playful environment for leisure activities. This paper presents how digital jewellery is emerging as one of the sizzling fashion trend for leisure activities. This study is mainly based on secondary collections from research papers, articles, journals and reports of reputable institutions and trend update from offline and online resources. This paper presents how the significance of jewellery has changed with time especially with the impact of technology. It also discusses the wide variety of inventions and design concepts explored by different companies and manufacturers in recent times for shrinking the computers to wearable devices. The paper concludes with suggestions for use of digital jewellery and its advantages for leisure activities.