Critical Analysis: Influence of Video Games on Youth Leisure in India

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 16:20
Oral Presentation
In our future society patterns of our Indian culture and leisure will change according to technological development. India is a humanistic, prosperous and technologically progressive society. Leisure is very important factor for entertainment and technology provides us lots of tools. Nowadays, leisure activities may change, as we can see that charm of digital games specially video games or we can say addiction of video games increased in youth. But still the meaning and purpose is unchanged. It’s fundamental to our spiritual, mental and physical well-being. Globalization does some changes in leisure acts and it has challenged our traditional values and thought process.

The growing interest in video games or increasing use of social media, research on the influence of video games on youth leisure is very low in India. Youth seems to be spending their leisure time in front of mobile, computer and TV screens. We can call them the digital generation. Technology has the potential to force people to mould themselves according to its uses fracture. Therefore, it is necessary and indispensable to understand the use of technology for the purpose of recreation and leisure by the youth and consequently be used by the policy makers to improve on National Youth Policy on youth recreation and leisure in India. Very few studies have explored the critical aspects of these games. As sociologists of leisure we need to be aware that virtual leisure has the potential in negative sense and we have to struggle against this for better world .This empirical study will focus on understanding how the video games influence youth and how youth allocate time in active leisure as they used to spend more with video games.