The Spectacle of Crisis Migration and the Seeping Affect of Racism and Neo-Nationalism

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 19:30-20:50
RC05 Racism, Nationalism, Indigeneity and Ethnicity (host committee)

Language: English

This panel seeks papers that explore the links between narratives of crisis migration, the rhetoric of migrant/refugee as an existential problem, and the explosion of representations of migrant as spectacle of fear and rejection through visual and affective means. The re-regulation of nation-state borders through multiple techniques of old and new surveillance has seen the rise of new forms of the securitised state, impacting on the lives of citizens and residents, but most potently on the lives of migrants. New forms of racism and neo-nationalism are evident in many parts of the world through administrative and legal techniques that seep into social exchange and everyday life.

Papers are sought that explore these developments conceptually and/or through a case study approach. Priority will be given to papers that develop the notion of 'crisis migration' through exploring visual cultures and/or affect.

Session Organizer:
Claudia TAZREITER, University of New South Wales, Australia
Oral Presentations
Riding the Waves of Crisis Migration to Electoral Success: An Austrian-German Comparison
Sandra KOSTNER, University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany
Italy at the Border of Humanitarian and Political Responsibility in the Crisis Migration
Laura STEFANELLI, Public Administration-Labour Agency, Italy
Racialization of Muslims Among the Pundit Corps in Hungary: Vintage Anti-Semitism Recycled, Made Respectable
Zoltan LAKATOS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary