Technology and Work: New Sociological Approaches?

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology (host committee)

Language: English and French

Since industrialization, the relationship between technical change and labour structures has been highly complex, and is still being discussed and interpreted today. Recent studies (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, Frey & Osborne, Autor, and others) are contributing to that public debate. The use of information and communication technologies has had an enormous impact not only on the manufacturing sector, but also in the reorganization of the service sector. The worldwide integration of technical systems (e.g. in production, logistics, marketing, etc.) has also created new forms of global value chains, leading to substantial changes in the mode of work. Today, these changes can no longer be explained by a causal model, but new theoretical approaches are required to integrate the technological dimension into the new globalization debate, the long tradition of sociology of work, sociology of technology, and the debate about "subjectivization" of work. Singular aspects of technologies in the work process which bring about new developments (e.g. to new technologies in health care, cyber-physical systems, Industry 4.0, robotics) can be examined in the framework of sociology. The technological impacts of these developments in turn are integrated into a conceptual re-evaluation of the relationship between work and technology.
Session Organizer:
Antonio MONIZ, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCT-UNL, CICS.NOVA, Portugal
Delphine MERCIER, CNRS - LEST-UMR 7317, France
Oral Presentations
Bridging the Sociological Knowledge Gap between Technology and Work
Bettina KRINGS, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Antonio MONIZ, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCT-UNL, CICS.NOVA, Portugal; Philipp FREY, ITAS-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
“When They Start the Smart Factory, We Don’t Notice That Here in Production” - the Dispositif of “Industrie 4.0” and the Staging of Digitalisation
Johan BUCHHOLZ, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Simon SCHAUPP, Technical University of Munich, Germany
AI Labor Market: A Nightmare or a Chimera?
Cenk OZDAG, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Required Competencies for Robotics in a Digital Era
Galina VOLKOVA, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russian Federation; Natalia SHMATKO, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Russia