The Brazilian Neo-Developmentism in the Canons of the Post-Industrial Era

Monday, July 14, 2014: 11:00 AM
Room: 313+314
Oral Presentation
Elizardo COSTA , Social Studies Centre, Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal
The purpose of this communication is to demonstrate the fundamental features of the Brazilian model called neo-developmentism over the last 10 years, supported by the theoretical neo-Keynesianism. This model enabled a considerable increase in the formalization of labor in Brazil which reached record levels, although is strongly supported by the general increase in precarious employment relationships through the growth of the service sector and outsourcing of work, having as component intensifying the use of new information technologies (TICs) in the execution of the work and its consequent financialisation. Finally, this model predicts the complementarily of economic and political relations between state and the market still has industrialization as a factor structuring the economy. The wounds created by this option societal development are strategically attenuated through the adoption of redistributive policies that aim to mitigate social conflict and ensure greater social justice and reducing social inequalities. The relative success of the combination of social policies which simultaneously benefiting the poor and the destitute over the income transfer through real increase in the minimum wage, the increased supply of credit to all social classes, the scholarship program-family as the main social policy rescue of a sector called precariat, the strong incision over big capital with the maintenance of high interest rates, with the adoption of floating exchange rate policy and strict targets of inflation control and primary surplus to pay interest on the public debt markets, complement revenues from Brazilian neo-developmentism in the canons of global capitalism.