Globalization from below: Institutional and Policy Changes in Developing Countries

Monday, July 14, 2014: 10:30 AM-12:20 PM
Room: 313+314
WG01 Sociology of Local-Global Relations (host committee)
RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology

Language: English

Session Organizer:
Binay K. PATTNAIK, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Land Governance and Its Influence on Institutional Development in Santiago Del Estero, Argentina (Oral Presentation)
Nienke BUSSCHER, PhD Researcher, Netherlands

Heritage As a Global Counter-Development Strategy to Fight Transnational Mining Projects in Wirikuta, Mexico (Oral Presentation)
Oscar-Felipe REYNA-JIMENEZ, Wageningen University, Netherlands; Alberto ARCE, Wageningen University, Netherlands

The Brazilian Neo-Developmentism in the Canons of the Post-Industrial Era (Oral Presentation)
Elizardo COSTA, Coimbra University, Portugal

Globalisation and Indian Media:Certain Policy Implications (Oral Presentation)

The Conflict over Mining in the Heart of the Universe (Distributed Paper)
María Julieta LAMBERTI, El Colegio de México A.C., Mexico