Gender and Work in a Global Context

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 3:30 PM-5:20 PM
Room: 302
RC32 Women in Society (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizers:
Shobha Hamal GURUNG, Southern Utah University, USA and Kumiko NEMOTO, Western Kentucky University, USA
Kumiko NEMOTO, Western Kentucky University, USA
Shobha Hamal GURUNG, Southern Utah University, USA
Women's Work and Reasons for Absence from Work (Oral Presentation)
Liv Johanne SOLHEIM, Lillehammer University College, Norway; Randi BREDVOLD, Lillehammer University College, Norway

The Determinants of Gender Inequality in the Proportion of Managers in Japan (Oral Presentation)
Kazuo YAMAGUCHI, The University of Chicago, USA

Gender Representations in Occupational Descriptions (Oral Presentation)
Ylva ULFSDOTTER ERIKSSON, Dept of Sociology and Work Science, Sweden

New Gendered Practices in Auxiliary Services in India's High Tech Firms (Oral Presentation)
Kiran MIRCHANDANI, University of Toronto, Canada; Sanjukta MUKHERJEE, DePaul University, USA; Shruti TAMBE, University of Pune, India

When Does the Dust Finally Settle? Peruvian Household Workers, Reproductive Labor, and Sweeping Changes (Oral Presentation)
Katherine MAICH, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Included But Still Not Equal? Board Interaction and Gender Segregation (Oral Presentation)
Aagoth STORVIK, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway

Company Brand Vs. Professionalism: The Marginalization of Women in TV Newsrooms in Japan (Oral Presentation)
Kaori HAYASHI, University of Tokyo, Japan; Makie KITADE, Tokai Gakuen University, Japan

Women in Men's Worlds. Strategies to Overcome Job Segregation By Gender in Six Occupations in Spain (Oral Presentation)
Marta IBANEZ, University of Oviedo, Spain; Linda S. PERRY, York College, City University of New York, USA; Amparo ALMARCHA, University of A Coru�a, Spain; Esmeralda BALLESTEROS DONCEL, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Ana Belen FERNANDEZ-CASADO, University of Murcia, Spain; Mar�a del Mar MAIRA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Claudia R. NAROCKI, ISTAS (Union Institute of Work, Environment and Health), Spain

The Cons/Truction of Gender in the Canadian Construction Industry (Oral Presentation)
Peruvemba JAYA, University of Ottawa, Canada; Rukhsana AHMED, University of Ottawa, Canada

Is the Concept of Patriarchy Useful to Comparing the Gender Relations through the World? (Oral Presentation)
Eric MACE, Universit� de Bordeaux, France

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