Tourism is just Another Name of Power

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC50 International Tourism (host committee)

Language: English and Spanish

Tourism is not simply an industry that produces commodities or provokes millions of people to move all over the world. Social scientists have overall mostly approached tourism as an external force inducing all sorts of changes in receiving societies. Social sciences cannot approach tourism as such any longer for it has been overtly present in the world for almost sixty years.

It can be said that tourism is the most sophisticated elaboration created by capitalist forces and interests. It is so because the tourism industry constantly occupies new places for the leisure consumption of certain social groups. It contributes to the renovation of dependency relations among regions by relocating the economic capital and the labour force. It soaks through the social structure, inducing cultural patterns of consumption. It presents itself as the sole ‘‘passport to development’’ for many communities and territories. It marks rhythms and impose new uses of the places. It markets the intangible and thus produces meanings and sense. Tourism has the capability to spread all over the world producing new social actions, to name them, to create differences among them, to order them, and, most importantly, to manage those differences by means of distinctive policies.

This session explores how tourism studies researchers do integrate social theories and concepts on power, politics or governance in their data analyses or whether tourism researches influence social theories conceptualizations on power, politics or governance. It welcomes papers that illustrate the discussion on power, politics or governance with case-study descriptions.

Session Organizers:
Antonio Miguel NOGUES PEDREGAL, University Miguel Hernandez, Spain and Raúl TRAVÉ-MOLERO, The Ostelea - School of Tourism & Hospitality, Spain
Oral Presentations
De La Patrimonialización a La Territorialización: Apropiaciones Locales De Los Discursos Del Poder
Pablo DIAZ-RODRÍGUEZ, The Ostelea, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Spain; Raúl TRAVÉ-MOLERO, The Ostelea - School of Tourism & Hospitality, Spain
Modernity on the Move – Theorising Tourism Power Relations in a Context of Modernity
Jens Kr. Steen JACOBSEN, University of Stavanger, Norway; Antonio Miguel NOGUES PEDREGAL, University Miguel Hernandez, Spain
A Socio Political Perspective to Tourism Studies: Proposing the Concept of Tourism Field
Thiago PIMENTEL, Federal University of Juiz de Fora / UFJF, Brazil
Neoliberal Governmentality and Township Tourism in South Africa
Annie HIKIDO, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA
Poverty, Power and Ethics: Slum Tourism in the Philippines
Miguela MENA, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Framing Time and Power in Tourism Contexts
Antonio Miguel NOGUES PEDREGAL, University Miguel Hernandez, Spain; Daniel CARMONA-ZUBIRI, Universitas Miguel Hernández, Spain