The Interdisciplinary Approach of Complex Social Systems: Analysing Elements and Processes of Power, Violence and Justice
The Interdisciplinary Approach of Complex Social Systems: Analysing Elements and Processes of Power, Violence and Justice
Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC51 Sociocybernetics (host committee) Language: English
Complex social systems that we built in interdisciplinary research, recurrently present elements and processes of power, violence and justice. We propose a work session on interdisciplinary knowledge since the systemic perspective in order to identify the effects of these discurses in pro or against social changes. The most important objective of this session proposal is not only the dialogue and reflection around Elements and processes of power, violence and justice in the interdisciplinary approach of complex social systems, but also an important opportunity to foster greater synergies between academics and public sphere in order to think the transdisciplinarity. The discussions and dialogues should provide the basis for collaborative and comparative research projects, in order to a “glocal” and a transformative change in our region.
Session Organizer:
Oral Presentations