All-Volunteer Forces, Recruitment and Conscription I

Monday, 16 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC01 Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution (host committee)

Language: English

The shift to the all-volunteer force has produced many challenges to the armed forces. One of the main challenges has been the willingness of persons to enlist. This has impacted on recruitment and retention and whether there should not be a reconsideration of some form of conscription given the security situation in Europe. The problem of finding enough volunteers to serve in the armed forces, coupled with the financial pressures facing and the changed security situation pose a particular challenge to armed forces. For this session, the following questions are important: How successful is the recruitment of military personnel? How successful is the retention? Does the change security situation influence this? Are demographic changes influences recruitment and retention? Should countries consider the return to conscription?
Session Organizer:
Johan OSTERBERG, Swedish Defense University, Sweden
Oral Presentations
Diary of Military Life
Joel NILSSON, Swedish defence university, Sweden; Johan OSTERBERG, Swedish Defense University, Sweden
Attrition during Basic Military Training in the Swedish Armed Forces
Emma JONSSON, Swedish Defence University, Sweden; Vera BJELANOVIC, Swedish Defence Recruitment Agency, Sweden; Johan LANTZ, Swedish Armed Forces, Human Resources Center, Sweden; Rose-Marie LINDGREN, Swedish Defence Recruitment Agency, Sweden; Anne LINDQVIST, Swedish Armed Forces, Sweden; Britta TÖRNER, Swedish Defence Recruitment Agency, Sweden
Polish Youths' Motivations for Military Service
Marcin SINCZUCH, University of Warsaw, Poland; Michał WESELIŃSKI, Military Office of Social Research, Poland