Searching for Sustainable Alternative Economies in the 21st Century: Cases and Prospects

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:20 AM
Room: 501
RC02 Economy and Society (host committee)
RC24 Environment and Society

Language: English

Session Organizer:
Michelle F. HSIEH, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Techno-Materiality, Culture, and Climate Change: Japan and the Bilateral Carbon Offsetting Mechanism (Oral Presentation)
Janelle KNOX-HAYES, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

From Green Energy Governance to Green Economy: A Case Study of a County in Southern Taiwan, 2009-2013 (Oral Presentation)
Hung-Jen YANG, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, Taiwan

Saving the Environment? Environmental Policies of Japanese Firms and Their Effectiveness (Oral Presentation)
Jiwook JUNG, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Eunmi MUN, Amherst College, USA

Is Another Economy Possible? the Prospects of Social Entrepreneurship from the Business Viewpoint (Oral Presentation)
Aziz XAVIER BEIRUTH, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; Antônio Oscar GÓES, UESC - State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil; Talles BRUGNI, USP - University of São Paulo, Brazil; Alfredo ABDUL-NOUR, UESC - State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil

How to Tether an Investment Banker: Observing Innovation and Control in Islamic Finance (Oral Presentation)
Aaron PITLUCK, Illinois State University, USA

When Food Aid Supports Local Farming : Towards a Sustainable Solution ? Case Study in France (Distributed Paper)
Isabelle TECHOUEYRES, Anthropology of Food Webjournal, France